
Please contact the Parish office to find out more about being baptised.


In asking to have a child baptised, the parents are accepting the responsibility of training the child in the practice of the Christian faith. It is the duty of every Catholic parent to bring their child up to keep God’s commandments as Christ taught us, by loving God and our neighbour. A non-Catholic parent is asked to support the Catholic parent in this duty.

Depending on circumstance and availability, baptisms usually take place at designated times outside of Mass. They can if requested occur at one of our Sunday Masses. It is usual for more than one child to be baptised at the same ceremony.

Should you wish your child to be baptised please contact one of our parish office. We will email you a list of the prearranged dates, application form detailing the requirements for booking a baptism. For parents, who have not had any previous children baptised this will include attending a preparation session which includes instruction on the meaning of the Sacrament and an exploration of the ceremony. There will also be an opportunity to ask any questions you may have. For children aged 7 to 18, who themselves wish to be baptised, we will seek to provide a full and appropriate preparation classes.

Please note that if you belong to another Catholic parish you will need to provide us with a letter from your own parish priest giving permission for the baptism to take place in our parish.